High Knees Lift

High Knees Lift is an exercise that combines the running motion with knee lifts. They are often used by runners and other athletes to improve...

Guide To Your First 50km

So, you've conquered the marathon distance - what's next? Some of us would want to hit a better personal best, conquer the elusive sub4...

Metabolic Training: The Benefits for a Runner

With such fast-paced lifestyles we all seem to lead, finding enough time to work out can be a bit challenging. That is...

Exercising at Home VS Exercising Outdoors

Some of us enjoy getting our workout done in the comfort of our own home. Then there are those who prefer to brave the...

Psst… You runner? Do you ever get high?

Not that shady kind of high. The runner's kind of high. Most would like to dismiss it as a myth, but it...

Aries: What does your horoscope says about your health & fitness?

Aries is a symbol of energy and enthusiasm. The Aries-born is like a ball of energy that craves attention and competition. They dislike inactivity....

Can Your Weight Affect Your Knees?

Many of us take our knees for granted but what we don’t realise is that they are an integral part of our bodies that...

4 Calorie-Burning Workouts

Just think of it: Burning nearly 200 calories in a matter of minutes. Aren't such calorie-burning workouts ideal for those who cannot...

Spine Health in Stride: The Intersection of Chiropractic Adjustment and Running

The health of your spine is a cornerstone of overall well-being, significantly influencing both daily activities and athletic performance. For runners, spine...

Expert Series: How do you stay physically, mentally and/or nutritionally healthy during this period?...

In view of the current COVID-19 situation and measures implemented by the governments, we have asked some of the experts to share...

Beat the Heat to Keep Fit

Exercising is very important for your health. Irrespective of the weather conditions, you should work out, but take some caution when the...

Running Club in the Central: U Sports Running Interest Group

Are you bored of running alone? Why not join a running club? With running clubs, it will enhance...

8 Reasons To Run In a Group

Running alone certainly has it's perks - the alone and quiet time with just our thoughts. But if you're looking to get faster, join...

11 Art Pieces and 1 Movie to Look Out For While Running Along Singapore...

Singapore is well known as an efficient, clean and green city state with her citizen operating like robots, working in an sterile environment which...

5 Rules For Running On The Track

Running on the track is simple, but it does not come without its own set of rules. It is important to abide by these...

7 Types Of Fartlek Trainings You Need To Try

Fartlek is the Swedish term for speed play. It is a training method that blends continuous training with interval training. Simply put, it is...

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